
Boragó ranked 36th in World’s 50 Best Restaurants

The World’s 50 Best Resturants, which comes up with a yearly ranking of the best dining spots around the world, has released its final tally for 2016. The winner this year, pushing the Roca brothers and their famed Cellar of Can Roca (Spain) into the second spot was Osteria Francescana, from Modena, Italy.

Latin America’s offer of high dining has received more love from the judges in recent years, and the top rated restaurant, Lima’s Central Restaurante (chef Virgilio Martinez) in the region came in at N°4.

Chile is present as well, through Boragó, where chef Rodolfo Guzmán goes after endemic and rare ingredients and serves them up in multi course tasting menus, in his Vitacura local. The restaurant made the top 50 list for the first time in 2015, when it was also ranked N°2 in the sister list, Latin America’s Top 50 Restaurants.

We received a press email from Boragó, which is translated below. It represents a significant jump and huge amount of recognition. Hugs were even promised.

“Rodolfo Guzmán and the entire team wants to share with all of you some big news, for all of Chile!!! Boragó has again been ranked among the 50 best restaurants of the world, with a surprising rise from N°42 to N°36. We are extremely content, euphoric and proud. We hope to to give you a hug in person very soon.”

Rodolfo Guzmán y todo el equipo quiere compartir con todos ustedes esta gran noticia, con todo Chile!!!  Boragó ha sido nuevamente escogido dentro de los 50 mejores restoranes del mundo, con un sorprendente ascenso desde el N° 42 al N° 36.  Estamos excesivamente contentos, eufóricos y orgullosos. Esperamos poder abrazarlos en persona prontamente.

