
Three places to buy Ice Cream in Santiago

Chile leads Latin America in ice cream consumption, and it’s a great way to stay cool during the summer season in Santiago. Here are three places we recommend our guests to try ice cream in Santiago, for that moment when they need a cool treat of helado.

ice cream in Santiago

El Toldo Azul- One of Santiago’s finest places for ice cream. Literally means the “blue awning”, and this is what they do, make ice cream. Nothing else, and what they do, they do right. Creamy, flavorful and quick service, with some interesting takes on Chilean favorites. If you have not tried condensed milk and avocado ice cream, you can do it here.

Located on Isidora Goyenechea, in the middle of the “El Golf” commercial district. So can be the dessert option for any of the many restaurants in the area.

Isidora Goyenechea 3200 B, Las Condes


Photo: Emporio la Rosa.

Emporio la Rosa- A classic of classics and Chile’s youth will one day ask their grandfolk if they remember when Emporio la Rosa was just a one off shop next to Parque Forestal. For that is the age of their glory, of being the first to use Chilean flavors in rich, creamy ice cream. Of long lines on Sundays to get a two scoop cone.

Now some things have changed. It is still a stand out option, but now a franchise, and can be found in almost every mall or food court in the city. The original owners are gone, but the memories will always remain. And its still one of the best places to get ice cream in Santiago.

Merced 291, Santiago Centro


Photo: Revista Mujer

In Pasta- Size does not matter in this case. Actually small seems better in this case. InPasta is a small little shop in the Barrio Italia neighborhood run by two Italian siblings. We could easily have put it on here for their pastas, but instead we added it due to their tasty and fulfilling Gelato.

They have limited seating space, or you can take products with you, cooked or fresh. Perfect for the sweets at the end, or for a whole meal.

Santa Isabel 0395, Providencia
